Saturday, September 24, 2011


tqvm kak najah,,tokey najahbakery ni

macaron 4 doorgift

macaron 4 doorgift 2pc macaron
tqvm,,order dr jue,dr pahang...

laptop cake n mac ...tqvm fatin from kl

salam,tqvm buat fatin n bf from kl...nice to deal with u..fatin minta delivery ke pendang,,terkejut org yg dpt,,.
rainbow cake with deko fondant..

mac 1 box..hazelnut,strawberry,choc mac with caramel filling,peanut butter n choc

congratz on ur convo

red velvet cupcake with cream cheese 

tqvm kpd yg order ..student to syura

Happy bufday Zara 2yr old

happy bufday to u zara..
bluebery cake

reunion SKS,tqvm cik baya

choc moist cake

Friday, September 23, 2011

happy bufday to u

tqvm kepada yg order,maaf lupa nama..order pd mood raya lg

tqvm kak long n adiknya

kek hantaran..

fondant cake 

wedding cake (2nd layer)

wedding cake ( 1st layer)

wedding cake ( 3rd layer)
tqvm kak long n adiknya

mcb order dr bakers syurahomemade

marble cheese brownies

tqvm,,order from KAK JU,,

bluerbery cheese brownies 8"

MArble cheese brownies 8"

happy bufday to u,,happy bufday to u...

salam,hri ni adalah bufday my BFF,,syura ali..beliau pun sorg bakers,,terlintas saya nk watkan kek tuk dia...ty p tgk sana jd saya pilih kek hazelnut resipi dr buku chef khairi....terkejut beliau..

hazelnut cake
happy bufday to u..happy bufday to u..happy bufday to syura..smg kita kawan selama2nya...n semoga syurahomemade n i luv cakes terus maju...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

welcome to my blog

salam,,setelah sekian lama xdpt tukar addres blog,,jd saya create blog bru,,,lgpn blog lama mcm susah je address dia...
apabila dgn blog bru ni,,sume gmbr2 terbaru..
gmbr2 kek still msih blh tgk dkt blog lama :